Arrear levy funding for body corporates

We can help you with arrear levies

With our arrear levy funding model, the sectional title or HOA can operate effectively on a fully funded basis
Arrear levy funding

Are arrear levies threatening your community scheme’s financial stability?

Bodies Corporate and Home Owners Associations across South Africa struggle with unpaid levies and levies in arrears due to non-payment by unit owners. Arrear levies impact the entire community scheme and causes unnecessary financial strain.

Unpaid and outstanding levies in community schemes place huge financial pressure on Bodies Corporates and Home Owners Associations. Arrear levies affect both paying and non-paying unit owners with levy increases, special levies, and maintenance cutbacks. In the worst cases, unpaid levies can result in overdue municipal accounts and these basic services being cut off.

With our arrear levy funding model, the sectional title scheme or home owners association can operate on a fully funded basis as if all owners were paying their levies and repayment only occurs when the body corporate or HOA collects its arrears.

STS Arrear Levy Funding facility

Access to funding facility to cover outstanding levies
Bespoke facility with no sign up or initiation fees
Fund up to 100% of arrear levies (no discounting applied)
Retain control and management of levy collecions
Simple and easy application process

Get in touch for arrear levy assistance today!

Arrear levy funding team