Financing options for community schemes

In Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll, Alice asks the Cheshire Cat, “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”. The smiling Cheshire Cat responds,...


29 May 2024

Celebrating Environment Month: The role of sectional title schemes in promoting environmental health

June marks National Environment Month in South Africa, a time to reflect on the importance of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. With a focus on job creation and environmental...


29 May 2024

Small changes, big impact: how community schemes can contribute to a better world

In the interconnected communities of sectional title schemes, each member's actions can create ripples, leading to significant environmental and social benefits. At Sectional Title Solutions (STS), we recognise the power...


Arrear levy collection reports: A checklist on what to include in the initial "hand over" instruction to attorneys

In continuation of our efforts to empower community scheme managers with essential knowledge for effective arrear levy collections, this blog post serves as a follow-up to our previous discussion on...


Costs to look out for when buying into a Sectional Title Scheme

Buying your first home is an exciting milestone, but it's essential to approach it with eyes wide open, especially when considering a sectional title scheme in South Africa. While the...


25 May 2024

Celebrating Africa Day: Embracing Ubuntu with Sectional Title Solutions

On May 25th, Africa Day is celebrated across the continent, commemorating the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (now the African Union) in 1963. It is a day that...


11 May 2024

Visitor Management Systems and why your community scheme needs one

Visitor management is critical to community schemes’ (sectional title complexes, apartment blocks, residential estates and retirement villages) security and operations. A Visitor Management Solution (VMS) allows community schemes to streamline...


23 April 2024

Celebrating Bee Day: STS knows the importance of bees, do you?

May 20th marks an important date on the calendar for environmentalists, gardeners, and nature enthusiasts across the globe: World Bee Day. This day is dedicated to raising...


Common legal terms used in collection reports

A community scheme will usually instruct a firm of attorneys or a collection agent to handle its arrear levy collection matters. It is important that Managing Agents and Trustees understand...


20 April 2024

Understanding bodies corporate and contractual capacity: a layperson’s guide

Bodies corporate are separate legal entities which are automatically created, in terms of section 2(1) of the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act[1] (“STSMA”), once any person other than...


18 April 2024

Boosting the benefits of your solar PV with a Battery Backup solution

As South Africans brace for the winter months, energy security becomes a paramount concern for homeowners and businesses alike. With the looming challenge of load shedding and the escalating cost...


28 March 2024

Securing your investment: A guide to 10-Year maintenance plans for sectional title schemes

Owning property in South Africa is not just about acquiring a piece of land or a building—it's about safeguarding and nurturing that investment for the long haul. This holds especially...


When it’s urgent, who do you call and how? The trustees' resolution to call a Special General Meeting on an urgent basis

When determining the required notice period for a general meeting, the starting point should be to determine what business the body corporate seeks to conclude in the general meeting. Once...


Who foots the bill?

Some of the main reasons people invest in property in community schemes are the convenience and cost-effectiveness of shared responsibility and costs. However, who pays for what maintenance and repairs...


15 March 2024

5 things to consider when installing a roof-mounted solar system in your community scheme

Persistent load-shedding and tariff hikes resulted in many body corporates enquiring about installing Solar Solutions in their community schemes. Installing solar power will not only help reduce...


14 March 2024

Facilities Assistant

This role supports the Facilities Supervisor in ensuring the smooth functioning of office facilities and providing a welcoming and organized space for staff and visitors. TYPE: Permanent LOCATION: Johannesburg CLOSING DATE: 28 March...


This role supports the Facilities Supervisor in ensuring the smooth functioning of office facilities and providing a welcoming and organized space for staff and visitors. TYPE: Permanent LOCATION: Johannesburg CLOSING DATE: 28 March 2025

23 February 2024

Bridging the power gap: navigating municipal challenges and securing finance with STS

In a decisive move, the City of Tshwane launched a revenue-collection campaign, disconnecting electricity to non-paying customers in early February 2022. They've upheld their commitment to a...


23 February 2024

How to calculate your contributions to the reserve fund

In the past, many bodies corporate neglected to plan for unforeseen maintenance costs, leaving unit owners to foot the bill through special levies. However, since October 2016, bodies corporate are...


Gated communities: what impact do they have on property values?

Gated communities have emerged as a favoured choice in real estate, offering homeowners security, privacy, exclusivity, and a plethora of amenities. With this luxurious lifestyle option comes the question of...


16 February 2024

Empowering communities: How STS Funding transforms property in South Africa

In today’s challenging economic climate in South Africa, homeowners and community schemes face a myriad of financial pressures. Rising interest rates, increased living costs, and ongoing issues like load-shedding and...


Sustainability measures to save costs and increase property value

Henry David Thoreau once asked, "What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?" As the world faces pressing environmental issues, it...


22 January 2024

Furry friends or foes? Deciphering pet regulations in community schemes

The multiple facets of pet ownership require careful consideration before an owner introduces their pet into a residence within various sectional title schemes, as this issue has frequently sparked disputes...


6 January 2024

Budgeting tips to navigate a financial crisis - part II

An accurate and comprehensive annual budget is the secret to effectively managing your community scheme’s finances. Tough financial times may impact a community scheme’s income stream, making...


2 January 2024

Budgeting tips to navigate a financial crisis

Following a series of interest, fuel and food price hikes, homeowners are battling to meet their financial commitments, including levy payments. We suggest bodies corporate take a proactive approach in...