30 September 2021

Special Resolution Quorum and voting – Why Community Schemes are Democracy in Action

Annual General Meetings (AGM) season is upon us, both AGMs and Special General Meetings (SGMs) serve as primary forums where special resolutions can be passed. These meetings are not only...


30 September 2021

Aesthetic implications of installing solar panels in your community scheme

The majority of community schemes have special rules in place to promote uniformity within the scheme itself. Usually, a scheme’s conduct and management rules do not permit any deviation that...


30 September 2021

Thomson Smillie Foundation Pont Drift to Cape Town Cycle Tour a huge success

Twelve days and 2100km later, a group of nine amazing cyclists that rode from Pont Drift, including Sectional Title Solutions sponsored rider and Joburg's own Travis Barrett, arrived in Cape...


26 August 2021

Community scheme levy relief during Covid-19 – tips for scheme executives

With the current economic climate, many scheme executives are worried about the financial future of their sectional title scheme/homeowners' association (“community scheme”). This is because some unit owners have lost...


24 August 2021

When you don't know your own powers - a lesson and reminder for trustees

On Thursday, 26 August 2021, the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) will hear an appeal in the matter of The Trustees for the time being of the Legacy Body Corporate...


26 July 2021

Creating a smart home for smart women: tips for full-time work-from-home moms

With most of us being homebound, our places of solace and comfort have become the sole location for everything we do in our daily lives. For the most part, working from...


26 July 2021

To Airbnb or Not to Airbnb?

In January this year, the High Court of South Africa found in favour of a body corporate seeking to stop one of its members from using her unit for short-term...


26 July 2021

Energy efficient solutions for remote work

If you are currently working remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have noticed a startling spike in your residential energy costs. The colder months have required a lot...


18 July 2021

STS partners with FFD to make a positive difference for Mandela Day 2021

In this unprecedented time, we at Sectional Title Solutions (STS), humbly believe former president Nelson Mandela’s words, “poverty is not natural. It is man-made and can be overcome and eradicated...


How to ensure the financial stability and sustainability of your community scheme

The defaulting of monthly levies by unit owners leads to some community schemes (bodies corporate and homeowners' associations) in South Africa struggling to operate functionally. It often results in paying...


18 June 2021

Can an owner or tenant run a business from their section in a sectional title scheme?

Working from home is a trend change that was accelerated due to the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown measures from the government to flatten the curve of infections. More companies...


We are casting light onto conservation!

The devastating impact of deforestation, climate change and the poaching scourge has left and continues to leave behind young, defenceless, orphaned Rhino calves. The threatening situation has created a need...


Tips to keep your children safe from digital predators

This week marks Child Protection Week, as Youth Month kicks off, we are reminded to pay close attention to the well-being and safety of our young people and children, putting...


27 May 2021

Sectional Title Solutions helps Covid struck communities through the Faith Foods Distribution initiative

The Covid-19 pandemic and public health measures to slow or stop the spread of Covid-19, have led to many different types of losses - the loss of loved ones, social...


23 April 2021

Sectional Title Solutions becomes a premier sponsor of Women in Sectional Title (WiST)

Sectional Title Solutions, the holding company of various subsidiaries focused on providing value-add solutions to sectional title bodies corporate and homeowners’ associations (community schemes) nationally, is extremely proud to announce...


22 April 2021

POPIA is here! How compliant is your community scheme?

We are fast approaching the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (“POPIA”) compliance deadline- the question is, how compliant is your sectional title scheme...


30 March 2021

Electricity prices increases by 15.7% despite continuous power interruptions

The price of electricity in South Africa is hiked by 15.7%, according to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA). The North Gauteng High Court...


Did you know there are proposed changes to the Sectional Titles Act?

Although these proposed changes relate to the sectional title industry, it is important to note that the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill, 2020 (“the Bill”) does not...


23 March 2021

Why installing a super-fast fibre network in your community scheme is pivotal

A superfast fibre installation is fast becoming the new normal for community schemes and is essential for smarter living. The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the shortcomings of South Africa’s...


2 February 2021

The ins and outs of paying CSOS levies and why it matters

If you are living in a community scheme you are most certainly aware of the Community Scheme Ombud Service (“CSOS”) which was established in 2016 alongside...


18 December 2020

Sectional Title Solutions - the SMARTER way to get connected!

Increased data usage and new technologies require better bandwidth. The speed and capacity of fibre can support the growing demand for these. A fast internet connection is becoming increasingly attractive...


18 December 2020

We have a new look!

Refreshing a brand is not as simple as whipping up a new logo, throwing it onto your website, and sticking it on some promotional products. It takes preparation, planning, and...


19 November 2020

[WEBINAR] Powering community schemes toward a sustainable future

Renewable energy and sustainability are hot topics in the home and construction sectors. Property market influences, such as COVID-19 and a shift to Millennial and Gen Z buying power, are...


30 June 2020

SA Digital Villages Partnership Update

There has been a recent development pertaining to our fibre and smart technology environment. SA Digital Villages (“SADV”) recently merged with Vumatel in one of the biggest telecommunications transactions in recent...